Plan to be at ASM in person or join us via zoom on Thursday, Oct. 27 at 7 pm for “Allies in Earth Work Inside and Outside of “Church”.
The Rev. Wes Aardahl will present biblical resources as we ask how faith and community leaders might better attend to the concerns that conservation-minded and ecologically-minded listeners and observers bring.
The short title for the evening’s presentation : “The Church’s Pitch.” The church is a hugely important ally with important resources. For instance, The Episcopal Church and The ELCA are increasingly owning such creation-affirming traditions, as their social statements indicate. The evening invites us to more intentionally lay theological claim to John 3: 16, 17. The earth is God’s good creation and our home. How might we, as “church” further mobilize these commitments? The evening seeks to further a very large and important conversation that the Aardahls commit to continuing, as we all “bloom where we are planted.”