NORELLA PILLING, Episcopal Senior Warden

Phone 435-637-0106

Norella is our Senior Warden and sits on ASM’s Governing Board. She is the liaison between the Episcopal Diocese of Utah and Ascension St. Matthews Church. If you have questions or concerns about the church, please contact Norella at 435-637-0106.

THE REVEREND ANGELA C. CHACON, Pastor of Ascension St. Matthews’s Church

Phone 435-299-3355

Angela was called as the pastor of Ascension St. Matthew’s in 2023. She was Ordained and Installed on October 7, 2023.

Reverend Angela Chacón (preferred pronouns she/her) is a bilingual descendant of Irish, Mexican, and Indigenous people, and is also a first call ELCA (Rocky Mountain Synod) Lutheran Pastor who, in October 2023, was ordained and installed to serve the blended congregation of Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Affirmed at Ascension St. Matthews in Price, Utah. In May 2023, she graduated from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa having received her Master of Divinity in Mission Development and Redevelopment with a Specialization in Small Town Rural Ministry; and during her four years of seminary, she completed her CPE at Monroe Hospital in Monroe, Wisconsin and completed her internship having served the people of Sonrise Parish (three ELCA churches) in Cozad, Nebraska. Prior to her call, she retired in 2016, and for over 30 years, she served in five different Air Force career fields stationed throughout the United States and other countries while on Active Duty, in the Reserves, and in the Iowa Air National Guard. She enjoys traveling to visit with friends and family; while her mother, brother, and sister live in the Southwest, she has extended family and friends all over the United States and northwest Mexico. Currently, she lives in Price, Utah, with her dog, Lucy, and her cat, KeeWee.

SUSAN PICCOLO, Administrative Assistant

Phone 435-637-0106

Susan Piccolo began as Administrative Assistant at Ascension St. Matthew’s Church in May 2022.  Born in Utah, Susan was raised in California and moved back to Utah in 1989. She has three children,  three stepchildren and 18 grandchildren all together.  She and her husband,  John Piccolo Jr., have been married for 19 years.  Her prior work experience has included various retail  jobs in Price; most recently she was a Staff Assistant at USU Eastern. Susan is a licensed foster parent through the state of Utah. Happily, she offers this statement,   "This congregation of people (at ASM)  has opened their hearts to me. welcoming me as part of their family."