Resource Management Ministry Action Team
The Resource Management MAT leader serves on the Governing Board, coordinates and leads the Resource Management Team meetings, delegates authority to members of the Resource Management Action Team and other volunteers for all aspects of property and financial management, and with the MAT prepares an annual budget, oversees expenses, and works closely with the Pastor and the Church custodian.
Supervise and schedule regular maintenance of the Church buildings and grounds.
Supervise the duties of the custodian,
Provide all materials needed by the custodian.
Provide snow removal when necessary.
Schedule a Church cleanup day for members twice a year.
Review insurance contracts and advise necessary changes to the Governing Board.
Review all utility bills annually.
Propose all appropriate budget items to the Governing Board each fall.
Make or schedule building repairs as needed.
Recruit members to help with building maintenance as needed.
Meet with the Church treasurer(s) to formulate the annual Church Budget.
Schedule an audit annually.
Receive and review all treasurer’s reports quarterly and advise the Governing Board and the congregation periodically.
Propose the purchase or replacement of property items needed or requested for the congregation’s ministry.
Request the Pastor to perform annual evaluations of all other staff and upon his/her recommendation, propose appropriate salary changes for the coming year in the Church budget.